Tyler Bruno's Blog

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Overcome imposter syndrome. Everybody struggles with it, no matter who they are. We all have self-doubt. We all struggle with feeling like we don't deserve what we have. You aren't alone. It's part of being human. But, we can overcome it. We can fight back against it, and free our minds. If you don't, imposter syndrome can ruin everything.

When you have imposter syndrome, everything crumbles beneath you. You limit what you can achieve. You block yourself from ever reaching new heights, because you feel incompetent or like a fraud. This is why it's so dangerous. When you never feel like you're "good enough", you live a sliver of the life you could have otherwise.

Society may view imposter syndrome as weakness, but that's not the case. I'm here to say that even if you're struggling with imposter syndrome, you are strong and capable. You are "good enough" to do whatever you want to do with the right focus, determination, and hard work. Don't let your mind tell you the opposite.

You're accomplishments are because of you. Don't undermine your successes. You deserve the positive things happening to you. You didn't fraudulently get to where you are. You are meant to be where you are. The universe rewarded your effort. It's hard to accept this, but you have to. Don't think about "why me", think about the present.

Next time you're in a room that you feel like you shouldn't be allowed in, remind yourself, you should be there. You're just as valuable as those around you. It's that simple. It's hard to remember that, but it's true. You are just as good as the people to the left and right of you. You aren't incompetent. You aren't a fraud. You are good enough.