Tyler Bruno's Blog

People matter, a lot

I heard a really great thought the other day that went along the lines of: it's not even about the journey or the destination, it's actually about the people. I think it's incredibly true. When I look inwards at how I plan to go about the rest of my life, I've decided it's not as much about the problem I'm working on and much more about surrounding myself with the best people I can possibly find. The journey and the destination will take care of itself if you surround yourself with exceptional people.

I always struggle with planning too much. What problem do I want to work on? Is it better to do this or that? These thoughts often cause action paralysis where rather than doing, you end up coasting by doing nothing. I've realized that over the last month, when I've let life do it's thing and simply optimize to meet and be around the best people, everything else just happens how it should. This mindset has given me an immense peace of mind.

I think this is true in general. Who cares about the problem you're working on or the journey you're taking if it's with bad people? Any problem, any journey, any destination can be great, if the people who are by your side through thick and thin are extraordinary.

Whenever I've felt most pessimistic, it's when I'm not around the people I'm meant to be around. The groups who have a hunger to take the path less traveled, the group who is taking on a challenge so ambitious that it seems crazy. These are the individuals who will totally change how you view the world.

I'm writing this, because over the last month, I've met some of the most talented, incredible people that I have seen in my entire life. They're my people, and I'm so happy to be entering a little corner of the digital world where I feel like I belong.

At the end of the day, the relationships you build and the people you meet mean much more that anything. Being around the people you're meant to be around will bring you more happiness and joy than anything else ever will. Finding them is the single greatest thing you can do for your life. When you do, your life changes forever.