Tyler Bruno's Blog

People Need To Know How Much You Care

People need to know how much you care. From a life standpoint and a business standpoint. It's a separator. It's obvious when somebody truly cares. It shouldn't be hidden. It should be said, expressed, felt. Let your care for people shine. We all don't show it enough. We should change that.

Life moves fast. We go through every day assuming that everybody around us knows how much we care. But, it's not obvious. People aren't mind readers. You need to be vocal. Life is too short to make assumptions. Make it obvious. Tell them to their face. Write a note. Don't get to the end of your life and realize that nobody actually knew how much you cared.

Business is no exception. The most unique companies are the ones that you feel like they truly care about you. They're available. You can email a top product lead and they'll reply. They want you to be successful. The difference between a good experience and an extraordinary one is the feeling of care.

It all follows the well known quote by Theodore Roosevelt: "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care". It parallels to more than just what you know. Replace "how much you know" with anything you want. People need to know you care. It's that simple. In your life, in your company, make people shocked about how much you care.

If you do this, you are instantly an outlier. Be personal. Be human with people. Everybody deserves to know how genuine you are. Our world is full of people heads down going through life. Take a moment to lift your head up, look around, and radiate your true care. I promise you, the best is built on the foundational concept of truly caring, and making it heard.