Tyler Bruno's Blog

Perspective Is Everything

There's something profound about perspective. It's the way we see the world. It's the foundational component behind empathy for ourselves and others. It's constantly changing, bending and meshing as we go through each day. People and experiences expose us to new perspectives, altering our own forever. Allowing your perspectives to flow in a never-ending nature is so liberating.

We need to harness ours and recognize when it can be improved. Life is a wild ride, it's bumpy and you get knocked down, this is when you need perspective the most. We all have those moments where we ask ourselves: "why does this have to happen to me?" Rather than asking why me, shift it to "what is this trying to show me?" Subtle yet powerful.

Switching around only a few words completely reframes any situation. That's perspective. Changing how we see something, ultimately for the better. All poor situations can be viewed at from a different angle, making all the difference. Stop now and think, is there a way to change my view on that negative thing that just happened?

Often, we are just too caught up in the moment that we forget to do this. We get all rallied up yet don't have to be. You can learn things from any situation, even the most negative ones. Slow down. Breathe. See what is trying to be shown to you. There's something there.

It all ties back to being a better person. More empathy, more kindness, more understanding when you continuously modify your mental framework. It's this framework that lets you conquer the lows and expand your outlook on life. Pay attention to it.