Tyler Bruno's Blog

Protect Your Dreams

Protect your dreams. Never let anybody mess with them. Keep them as pure as possible. Society naturally tries to destroy them. Don't let society do it. Our dreams represent our deepest aspirations and purpose. You need to do whatever you have to do to protect them. They're precious. They make you who you are.

The most important thing is if it's something that you wholeheartedly believe in, then you should go after it. Don't let people or the world around you pressure you. Trust your instincts, your gut, your heart. They know what's best for you, not societal pressures. You'll know when a dream is worth chasing, it's deeply rich and strikes a cord in your heart.

When you feel this, you can't let others mess with it. It's too uniquely you to be hindered. It acts as your fire, your engine to keep going despite anything. When this is interfered with, you lose your why and that's detrimental. You can't live other people's dreams. You need to live your own, because that's what makes life worth living.

After you protect them from the outside, you need to protect them from yourself. You do this by actually doing them. Don't let them die. Make them reality, don't leave them just as dreams. Dreams die as they wither away with no action. So, give them life. Pursue them with all you have. That's how you bring them from your inner self to the world.

Dreams are authentic to you. They are a culmination of your perspective, creativity, and thinking. That's special, and worth protecting from the world and yourself. Use your distinct dreams as a compass through the highs and lows of life. They act as a guiding light of what your gut, your destiny, your instinct knows is right. Don't let them die.