Tyler Bruno's Blog

Put Things Into The World

In our one life, we are given a profound opportunity to put things into the world that will last far after we are gone. Things that have a positive impact on the world. It can be anything, from a small piece of writing to a large, influential software project. It's something we should all strive to do. We should aim to leave the world better than how we found it.

I learned this from Steve Jobs, who vocalized that one of the best ways to show your love for humanity is to make something wonderful and give it to the world. By doing so, we make the world a better place while also showing our appreciation to our fellow humans. Don't do things for yourself, do things for others. Life wouldn't be special if we were alone, it's about the people we share our life with. Do it for them.

Putting things into the world is scary, I know. What if it's never seen? What if it's not "good enough"? This isn't the point. It's all about the act. Anything you take time to create with your heart and soul will be good enough. That love shines through so don't worry. The universe, the world will work it's magic and have it be seen. Everything is seen, and if it positively impacts even one person you win.

Carve out some time right now to create anything at all and put it out there. Leave your mark even if it's subtle. Building and creating is extremely fulfilling yet we don't do it often. We are too scared and anxious about people's thoughts and other external factors. Try it. Breathe and hit post. Click send. Don't be afraid. Add beauty into this world. Be proud of the things you contribute. They are unique to you.

Great things happen to people who put things into the world. Your fellow humans love new things that were created with care, love, and passion. You have a support system with you who want you to do amazing things. We all benefit, because our world needs more beauty. Contribute what you can even if it's tiny. We need more amazing things in the world.