Tyler Bruno's Blog

Running is bliss

For the last four or so years, I've tried to run 5-6 days a week. When I got to college, the daily whirlwind overtook this habit. As the days went on, something felt off. I felt more tired and less energized. I couldn't put my finger on it until I realized, it was the longest I went without running for several years.

I quickly began my routine of running again, and everything fell into place: I was happier, more energized, and even more ambitious. Everything just felt right. It was at that moment that everything made sense, running was bliss. It gave me the mental, emotional, and physical boost I needed to tackle the hard things.

Running provides a unique outlet where you can enter this mysterious universe that's hard to explain. As you run, there are moments where you enter a profound state of flow. It's like you leave your body, and your mind is allowed to wander. You don't even feel the pain, it's an amazing experience and you're lucky whenever you get the opportunity to enter.

I also strongly believe that the benefits of running go far beyond your health and well-being. Running teaches you how to be mentally strong, how to overcome adversity, and how to view the small progress every day.

People often ask me: why do you put yourself through such pain? My response is always the same - it helps me excel in all other areas. Sometimes things are difficult or unpleasant, but you just have to keep going, and often it gets much better. Self-discipline is a superpower, if you can harness your mind, you can do whatever you want in life. Nothing is more powerful than your mind, it is the ultimate lever to change yourself and the world.