Tyler Bruno's Blog

Seek Discomfort

We all like to be comfortable. We enjoy staying underneath our covers when we get up, rather than starting our day. We enjoy sitting on the couch than going for a workout. It's a common trend: as humans, we innately favor comfort over discomfort. This is dangerous. Without discomfort, we become stagnant. It's so necessary for us to seek discomfort.

Discomfort forces us to stretch our belief of what we're capable of. It forces us to not stay the same person. Most important, it forces us to grow. If you never feel discomfort, you aren't growing. The only way to improve is if we feel overwhelmed with discomfort. Mentally, physically, emotionally, you should aim to be stretched as far beyond what you think is possible. You transform when this happens.

Stop hiding from discomfort. Stare it down. Sprint towards it. Embrace it, and learn to love it. When you learn to love discomfort, you become an invincible force. Nothing scares you, which opens up the world. You'll have a newfound sense of motivation. You'll feel happier and ready to attack any of life's obstacles. You'll learn more than you ever have before.

It's time. It's time for you to get uncomfortable. You're stagnating. You're not pushing yourself to the level you're capable of. This only leads to regret. The time is now. Train your mind to welcome discomfort with open arms. Start now, not later. If you let your mind run the show, later will never come. It will be pushed off, because that is exactly what our minds do. They're too wired for comfort.

In everything you do, seek discomfort. It's the only way to drastically transform yourself for the better. Seek pain. As they say, no pain no gain. Remember that, because it's true. Discomfort and pain go hand and hand. A tango between the two, allows for everything you'd ever want. It sounds crazy: run towards fire, run towards pain, run towards discomfort. Do it now.