Tyler Bruno's Blog

Self-care --> invincibility

Self-care makes you invincible. I've realized, self-care is much wider of a concept than the traditional conversations behind mental health and how to better it. However, these are really important discussions too. It dawned on me that it's a far reaching vine that touches every aspect of our lives and so many things actually count as self-care.

To begin, there's the "traditional" thought such as therapy, meditation, and other avenues for making us happier, less anxious, and overall better mentally. There's other aspects too. Learning let's you enter states of flow and gain new knowledge in areas that will improve your life. Reading a book can expose you to new stories, ideas, and perspectives that can alter how you think. Even more fall under this category: exercising, journaling, daydreaming, hobbies, playing a game, drawing, listening to music, etc.

All of those are self-care but we often don't realize it. Those are actually prepping our mind to be able to deal with the hard things once they come. That's key: self-care isn't about when everything is going great, it's getting you ready for the moments that everything comes crashing down. The phone call with bad news, the bad day at college or work, these moments that take a little extra strength, you actually get this from practicing self-care.

That's right, you can practice self-care. I didn't realize this until talking to several people I look up to. You can try to improve your methods of self-care every day and figure out what works for you. It's different for everybody, but it's a crucial thing to figure out, because life isn't always easy. Life is a rollercoaster, where those moments in the valley are where people struggle, but that doesn't have to be you.

Learn what makes you happier, more joyful, and mentally stronger. If you can harness your mind through self-care, you will become invincible. So do it.