Tyler Bruno's Blog

Just Be You

This may sound weird: get so good at being you. What do I mean? I mean be so authentic, so unapologetically yourself, that people can't help being around you. Your uniqueness, from personality to worldview, make you who you are. Master the ability of embodying your true self and nobody else. Don't fake who you are.

Everything you want comes when you're authentic: the right people, the right career path, the right opportunities. You won't have to go out and search for everything, the world will bring it to you. Great things will happen once you stay true to who you are and never settle for anything less. I promise.

Stay true to your personality, values, beliefs, purpose, and mission. These are what make you uniquely you. You should love and embrace them, rather than deflect and hide. Too often we are faking who we are to seem better to those around us or get some job. In reality, if they don't want you for who you truly are, they don't deserve you.

Eventually, your true self will come out. You can only fake for so long. It's better to be authentically you than somebody who you aren't. Everything falls into place when you accept this. So stop manipulating everything about you to fit what you believe everybody around you wants. You're living a life that isn't staying true to yourself. That's bound to not end well.

Long story short, just be you. Don't be anything you aren't. It's not worth it. When you know deep down that you aren't being you, no job, no group of people is worth that. It will eat you alive. Let your unique self shine out freely. Don't hide who you are. What makes you extraordinary are all those characteristics that you're trying to hide. Let them be free.