Tyler Bruno's Blog

Show Up Every Day

Be the person who shows up every day. To get where you want to go, it will take continuously showing up despite obstacles, despite not wanting to certain days, despite the weight of the world on your shoulders. Consistency, ambition, intensity, all compound. Everything falls in place when you just keep going.

When you have intense consistency over a long period of time, great things happen. Your luck surface area continues to increase until your life changes. The universe rewards pure hustle and putting the work in day in and day out. Everybody has experienced it: when you do exceptional work each day, your work is rewarded.

Always remember: people take note of those who show up every day. People want to be around those who hustle, who won't skip a day no matter what. It's obvious who are the killers and who are the slackers. Be a killer. Be somebody that is known for always showing up. That's one of the most valuable traits to have.

Showing up is hard though. If it was easy, everybody would do it. There will be days where you don't want to do the thing. You'll be tired. You'll be unmotivated. But, in spite of it, put the reps in. It's worth it. No more showing up for a week then quitting. Show up for yourself, prove to yourself that you can.

I promise you that if you show up every day for a significant amount of time, your life will change. You can't break consistency, you'll get nowhere. You have to do work towards whatever you want to achieve each day, even if it's only a little. That's how you get to where you want to go. Point your compass in the right direction and just keep walking.