Tyler Bruno's Blog

Slow Down And Look Around

Slow down and look around. I love Ferris Bueller's quote: “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” The daily busyness of life often drowns everything out. All we try to do is keep up. What we don't realize is by being heads down all the time, we are missing out on life.

At times, we aren't consciously aware that the time is passing, time that we never get back. Eventually, all your time passes, and your time here on Earth is over. We all hear the notorious question: "where did all the time go?" It's a result of never taking some time to slow down and realize you are alive, living, breathing.

Don't let this happen to you. Make an effort to slow down and not let life force you to always be in go, go, go mode. It may feel great while doing it, but as life goes on, you'll feel like you haven't even lived. It's because your mind hasn't wandered to certain spaces. It's been stuck just trying to keep up with the pace of life.

This one life is too precious to miss. Slow down. Look around. Reflect on how amazing this life is. It's so profound that we are all gathered on Earth hailing through space. This life is unique and rare, so make the most of it. You do this by actually looking around and filling yourself with the joy of life.

So don't be decades in the future asking where all the time went. You should be present. You should feel like you're actually living, and not letting life pass by unnoticed. You deserve to feel aware of the beautiful you life you have. If you can do one thing, it's slow down. Look around and enjoy this life. It's priceless.