Tyler Bruno's Blog

Small Improvements Add Up

If you get 1% better every day for a year, you are 37x better by the end. Small improvements add up and cause rapid growth. Let's focus on them rather than aiming for huge improvements every day. The minuscule iterations that feel meaningless are actually the most meaningful. Search for these tiny 1% improvements.

It's the little details in everything we do. For example, I've been around amazing runners these last several years. The littlest things give massive improvements in fitness and racing outcomes. From the swapping of shoes to a specific stretching routine, tiny changes in nutrition to switching one part of your weekly workout. These make them 1% better, leading to the monumental results.

So, look at what tiny details can you change to get 1% better. Constant iteration and ending off the day 1% better than yesterday is a win. Do this for a long period of time and you're golden. Remember: today's ceiling is tomorrow's floor.

Quit always looking for the supposed massive jump from point A to point B. It's not there. It's a series of hundreds, even thousands of microscopic improvements that come together to make a whole. Often, these details go unnoticed at the grand scheme of things, but if you zoom in they're there, powering everything.

Seriously look at getting 1% better every day. Do it in your life, in your craft, and in your career. Compounding is real, and it's magical. Make 10 1% improvements every day and your life will change. I can't stress it enough. I've seen it first hand. You've all seen it too, it just maybe hasn't been obvious. They build on top of each other. Seek the small improvements.