Tyler Bruno's Blog

Stick With It

Sticking with whatever you're trying to do or achieve, separates you from the pack. This is something I learned from the legendary Kobe Bryant. When people face adversity, they quit. Instead, persevere through it, and come out of the other side stronger. That's how you become great, by sticking with it.

It takes grit, mental toughness, and courage to run through the adversity. You must never give in no matter how hard it is. The only way to get to the other side is by not stopping. Kobe was the best at this. Nothing ever stopped him. No matter how much he was hurting or how much he wanted to quit, he turned that into fuel. It's what you have to do too.

When you inevitably fail, it's crucial to turn these into moments of learning. Being defeated just means you learned something new. Get back up and keep going. By sticking with what you want to do, you live a life that is worth living. You will soar to new heights that you never thought was possible. You will continue to have a life that is full of your greatest passions.

That's what it's all about. Just sticking with what you know you should. Doing it for yourself. Becoming better than you were yesterday by committing to a life that you give your all every day no matter what. Be like Kobe. Get back to what you know you want to do. I know you quit because you thought you're not "gifted" or it was too hard.

Wrong. All it takes is passion, determination, and extreme work-ethic to do whatever you'd like. Nothing is out of reach. Believe in yourself. You can do it. You are no different than those around you. They just stuck with it despite all adversity. That's what you can do too. I know you will.