Tyler Bruno's Blog

Stop Having Regret

We all need to minimize regret in our lives. The feeling of regret is the worst. You know you missed out on something, because you didn't take action. You are your own enemy, your own inhibitor. That needs to stop. If not, at the end of your life, you'll think "what if"? What if I had the courage to do the thing and not have all these other factors overtake my mind? Don't let this happen.

We only get one chance at life so being afraid, scared, embarrassed, anxious, should fall out of reality in the face of that fact. Nothing should stop you from doing what you want to do. Stare these feelings in the face and don't let them overtake you. Live your life to the fullest.

There's no reason why you can't do everything you want to do. Regret doesn't need to happen. You can deflect imposter syndrome. You can eliminate what-ifs. It's all in your own hands. That's the beauty of this. Nobody else can prevent you from taking action. Take matters into your own hands, and do the thing.

Use all your previous regret and funnel into future action. Use it as fire to make sure it never happens again. It's important to not always look at the rearview mirror. You need to look forward, the future is so bright. There's a reason why the rear view mirror is much smaller than the windshield. The past isn't a place you should always be.

It's time to exit the endless, draining cycle of regret. Walk away from it now. Take pride in never experiencing it again. Do everything you want to do, take risks, get embarrassed, put yourself out there. All this doesn't matter in 50 years. Remove the opportunity for regret to infiltrate your life.