Tyler Bruno's Blog

Take the unconventional path

These last few weeks have felt subtly transformative for me. Something clicked in my brain that I didn't feel prior. I think it has something to do with opening up to the world on X and seeing all the amazing people and things out there. It's like all these clouds that have been blurring my view have suddenly faded away. It feels so obvious to me how to approach the future and it brings an immense feeling of calmness.

My epiphany is that the way to live the life you dream of is to take the unconventional path, but more importantly that it's sitting there waiting for you to walk on. It's so easy to totally change the direction of your life in an instant. You just have to be ok with taking on the risks and feelings of being on the unconventional path. That path can look many ways, but the underlying foundation is do the things that people may raise an eyebrow at.

Our society has a vision where you live the ordinary, average life. You go through your school district, go to college, get a job that you may not love, and do that until you're old, then enjoy your retirement. That thought makes me sick to my stomach. I would feel so much regret at the end of my life if I lived like that. I believe many would agree.

Luckily, we have the ability to not go down that path. To not take the "traditional" route through life. To not work a boring job. To not always make the "ordinary" decision. We control our destiny. We have the ability to surround ourselves with other untraditional people which makes it so much easier.

So I ask you: if you were to continue what you're doing for the rest of your life, would you be satisfied on your deathbed? Would you feel like you fulfilled your crazy, amazing potential? When I reflect on these questions, reality hits me so hard. I need to be better at making the most of our precious time here and I hope you all will too. To do so, start by taking the unconventional path. Get uncomfortable. Take risks, reap rewards.