Tyler Bruno's Blog

Talk to People

I learned the power of talking to customers from Garry Tan from videos on YouTube, posts on X, and conversations in person. It made me grasp that it's even higher level than that: talk to people. When I look at everything great that has happened to me, it came from a byproduct of talking to somebody. Reaching out, having a great conversation, providing value. It only clicked thanks to Garry.

I love talking to people despite being on the quieter end in real-life. I tend to sit back, listen, and take it all in rather than constantly be the one always talking. I think that's a good thing. However, still deep down, I love getting to know others and having a great chat. So, if you ever want to chat, DM me!

As I dug from the surface level of Garry's advice, I found gold. I now make an effort to reach out to people who inspire me which has changed my life over the last month. Relationships are everything, and I never thought I'd meet such great people. I've gained new perspectives, learned new things, and challenged by beliefs.

It's also why YCombinator does a retreat at the beginning of their batch (which I'm so happy for my friends that got in and hope I can partake in the future). Getting a ton of amazing founders in one place makes magic happen - those are the people who you will rely on for growth and when the boat hits rough waters. The underlying value of YC isn't the investment, it's the people. You get to bounce ideas off of, learn from, and chat with other ambitious, smart people. That's the value of YC: the community.

Garry nails this message every time he talks about it. He made it so clear that relationships and community will get you through the lows and be there to celebrate the highs. I even remember him mentioning that two whole tables at his wedding were people he met during YC. If that doesn't hit the nail on the head, I don't know what does.

It’s often the conversations you least expect that lead to the most surprising and rewarding outcomes. A single conversation can open doors to a cascade of opportunities that were previously hidden. There's a world out there that you don't know exists but you need to go talk to people.