Tyler Bruno's Blog

The Art of Productive Disagreement

We all need to learn about the art of productive disagreement. We are living in a world where if you disagree with somebody, you can't be friends. We've stopped talking to one another to find common ground. It's scary. The moment you stop talking, everything beneath you crumbles. Disagreement is a good thing, it makes everyone grow.

If we all agree on everything, the world would look dystopian. You need differing opinions. It's a part of life. The amazing part is if you frame disagreement through the lens of learning and a common sense of humanity, it becomes much easier. Disagreement is just feedback, and we need feedback to do extraordinary things.

Beyond just productive disagreements about the world, they're super powerful in designing amazing products and experiences, building the best teams, and constructing an environment of winners. We need a constant feedback loop, and therefore disagreements, to make the tough decisions needed. It's all a good thing.

So, don't shy away from disagreements. Embrace them, and navigate them with grace. They're just opportunities to learn, to expand your thinking, to think more creatively. When you can work through disagreements productively, trust and respect flourishes. Don't be scared of hard conversations. They're always going to be necessary. Get good at them.

Be the person who has the ability to have a conversation and talk through disagreement. That's the type of person that people want to be surrounded by. People want new ideas and perspectives. The only way to get them is through having a differing view of things. It's ok. It's beautiful when you see two people having a productive discussion working through a disagreement. It truly is an art form.