Tyler Bruno's Blog

The Beauty of Imperfect Action

Imperfect action is beautiful. The act of doing, no matter how good or how large, is powerful. Idleness means you're stagnating. One concept that has stuck with me for many years is to "rest in motion". That the default state we believe we should be in is resting, yet action, no matter how imperfect, is the state we should prefer.

When you believe in imperfect action, you get more done per unit of time over the long run. It's ok to not be super productive or be at your best, anything is better than nothing. Not every day is going to be full of "perfect" action. Some days will suck. Some days you will be deep in a flow state. Embrace imperfect action, because it's how you reach new heights.

We all paralyze ourselves by not taking action, because it may not be the optimal action at that moment. You have to stop this, because it's holding you back. If you take action only when you feel like it or when you sense the "stars aligning", you'll push action off. You don't have time to push things off, you're just delaying the true work. Start now, thank yourself later.

Imperfect action is all about allowing yourself to continue to flow through life, to learn and grow as you go, to transform despite imperfect circumstances. It's an emphasis on not only appreciating the action that feels great, but the times where you are pushing the needle forward, even if it's only a little.

Don't cement yourself where you are from a lack of action. The way to progress, change, evolve, is to continuously flow through the river of life. The way to row is by doing a ton of the tiny, imperfect actions. Any rowing is better than no rowing. When you understand this, imperfect action is nothing but beautiful.