Tyler Bruno's Blog

The Burden of Expectations

Expectations are tricky. Internal expectations can be great, yet external ones can be troubling. When you feel the weight of expectations from those around you, it can crush you. Managing this burden is hard, but something to focus on. Expectations that are for you by you do the opposite: empower, uplift, and elevate.

When there are a ton of external expectations flowing through you, it drowns out your inner voice. You feel like you are doing things for others, rather than yourself. This can be become dangerous. It can even cause suffering. When expectations aren't fulfilled, specifically external ones, you feel a sense of suffering. Your happiness wipes away.

That's why to handle the burden, we should channel everything inwards. Focus on yourself, not others. Do things for you. Be the best version of yourself. Set high standards internally, shoot for them, but don't be afraid to fail. Your brain is really powerful. You can learn to harness it to positively handle all kinds of expectations.

Currently, I bet you are letting external expectations weigh you down. Your numbing your mind, your heart, your soul, to reach them for others. You're walking, running, sprinting through life to push back against this burden. So, shift your perspective on expectations and watch the weight lift off your shoulders.

Don't let expectations cause immense pain, suffering, disappointment, resentment. Restructure your thoughts and use them as fuel. You can have a positive relationship with expectations. You don't need to feel the burden. Free yourself. Have them as a tool, but don't let them rule you.