Tyler Bruno's Blog

The Hidden Costs Of Perfectionism

The hidden costs of perfectionism are profound. Perfectionism is at the root of never doing anything you want to do and never becoming the person you want to become. It eats at you constantly, spiraling you into overthinking. You become paralyzed, stuck where you are. If you don't break free, you might never get out.

This paralysis is detrimental. You aren't making decisions. You aren't continuing to move forward. No progress is being made while filling yourself with stress and anxiety. You aren't putting anything into the world because you never feel it's good enough. You can't tolerate imperfection, mistakes or failures, and rely on other's approval.

This is why you must get out of the perfectionism cycle. It does no good. It sucks the life out of you. The more you cement yourself where you are, the more you criticize yourself, the more you overthink, the less self-esteem you have. It's truly dangerous. Your goal should be to break free from it, as that's when everything falls into place.

Start believing in yourself. Understand that with the time and energy you're putting in to whatever you're doing, it is amazing. Put it out into the world. Don't be scared. The world is waiting for your creations. They don't have to be perfect immediately. They never will be. You can gather feedback, iterate, and improve it. You can't do this until you put it out there. Do it now.

Set your bar high, but not high enough that you are never delivering to the world. Extreme attention to detail is great, but don't let it stop you from leaving your impact. You're holding onto something that you believe isn't ready to be shown. Let it free into the world. It will be the best thing you've done. Escape from the mindset of perfectionism. Keep moving.