Tyler Bruno's Blog

The Magic of Mentorship

Finding mentors is such a huge unlock to accelerate everything. They can provide you knowledge that would take decades to learn and support that can push you to new heights. They're people that you want to become like. It's more than what they do, it's who they are.

I would not be the same person without my mentors. They've touched my soul, and I'm forever indebted to them. They've changed how I see the world, taught me things that aren't taught anywhere else, and transformed my perspective. Without them, I'm a sliver of the person I am today. That's why I'm bullish on extraordinary mentors.

The best mentors are the ones who believe in you more than you believe in yourself. They see something in you, that spark, that flame, that you don't see yourself. It's those that push you down paths that you wouldn't walk down if it wasn't for them. That's what it's all about.

Mentorship comes in many different forms. Some of the most impactful is in-person, being physically around somebody a lot is super special. However, many of the greatest people have learned through books. Books are a gateway into the minds of the people that inspire you even if they're not alive or out of reach. Take advantage of them.

Find mentors and entangle them into your life. Learn from them. Cherish them. The mentor-mentee relationship is a unique one that everyone should experience. It's a bond like no other. You'll become a person that is out of your imagination.