Tyler Bruno's Blog

The next billion developers

Imagine a world where 1 billion people are making software. That's a world that's more prosperous, much more than we can imagine. Think about if anybody could spin up that little idea nagging them or build full-scale products used by millions or even billions of people. This reality is coming and it's going to be so cool. The possibilities are endless and our world will be filled with magnitudes more projects that would've never existed without innovations happening as we speak.

One thing I've always thought about is why is everything besides the coding part the hardest? When I want to code, I want to problem solve, not deal with obscure operating system or package issues, or enter the depths of dependency hell. So, it became really apparent recently that the team who is supercharging the mission of having a world with 1 billion developers is Replit. Despite it being their mission statement, they're actually putting in the work and shipping blazing fast to make it a reality.

Replit is amazing. Simple as that. I've used it for a couple of years and looking at seriously making it my main platform. I've used it for physic simulations for my high school senior project, prototyping tools for my physics teacher, and whipping up projects that positively affected teachers in my entire districts. I was able to not run into frustrating errors that make you not want to code, but get on the ground running as fast as possible.

I did this all before they introduced their AI and massively revamped their platform. Now, it's only stronger and more incredible. They have the infrastructure and product to make their mission a reality. A bonus is Amjad and the team are the most receptive people to get ahold of. Anything you need, they're there.

It's teams like them that renew hope that the future will be extraordinary. Their platform resonates deeply with the future I envision: a world where creativity and technology intersect to solve problems, innovate, and make a positive impact on society. A future where technology is not just for the privileged few, but a ubiquitous tool for anyone with a creative spark and the desire to make a difference.