Tyler Bruno's Blog

The Power of Persistence

Our human brains are wired to want everything to be easy. Instant gratification, instant results, and instant rewards. We hate difficulty. We hate people opposing what we are doing. But, that's exactly what persistence is all about. Pushing through something despite the difficulty. Sticking with something. Delaying gratification.

I love the idea that all our effort is stored. We may not be getting results at this very moment, but they're coming. You will soon have an "overnight success" as people like to say, but in reality, it was the cumulation of that persistence that caused the breakthrough.

It's like temperature. At 29 degrees Fahrenheit, nothing happens to the ice. Same with 30 or 31, but the moment you hit 32 it begins to melt. It just takes those little improvements, the little actions to hit that point where momentum gets rolling like a snowball. It's the same for life: get to that snowball.

We give up too often and too early. If we don't see the results immediately, we tell ourselves we aren't good enough. No, it just takes some persistence. It takes time in the valleys to reach the mountaintops. Not everything is easy like we'd like. We have to fight through it to reap the rewards and reach the summit.

Despite any obstacle, embracing hard work and determination is what persistence is all about. Not being scared to look the work in the face and kick the door down. Everything you ever want is behind that door. Persist and kick that damn door down.