Tyler Bruno's Blog

The World is Malleable

The single greatest lesson I've learned over the last month is that the world is malleable. You have the ability to change the world you live in for yourself and for others. If you want to live differently, you can. There's nothing stopping you from totally upending your life for the better. When you understand this, everything becomes so much easier.

This last month, I've tried to upend my life. The best thought is realizing I can just reach out to people that I find inspiring and provide them value, learn from them, and chat with them. The world is smaller than we think and it's the doers who control their destiny.

Even cooler is we can change the world we live in. If you see the opportunity to improve an existing product or space for something new, you can create it, and positively impact the lives of the people around you. Everything in our world was created by other people just like us, so you too can transform the world however you'd like. Now that's astonishing.

Realizing that I have the power to shape my own destiny has been incredibly liberating. It's a reminder that the only limits we face are the ones we place on ourselves. By finally putting myself out there, I've talked to some of the most incredible people I've ever seen: CEOs to engineers, designers to investors. People I could've only wished to chat with only happened because I changed the world I lived in.

The most fulfilling part is I know that I can create a place for me in this world. I don't need to worry about being anybody else that I'm not. I can be the unique person I am, and carve out a place where I can have the most positive impact possible.

Often, we stay constrained to the preconceived path of life. Instead, it's my goal to stray off that ordinary path and make my own. I want to walk a path that is unusual yet distinctively made for me. The world is malleable, we have the power to have high agency and bend it how we'd like.

In the end, it's our courage to dream and our resolve to act that will shape the world into a place of endless possibilities.