Tyler Bruno's Blog

Think Bigger

The most valuable lesson I've learned in the last couple months is to always think bigger. From being on X, I've learned from and been inspired by some of the most extraordinary people in the world. The people who are pushing the frontier for everyone else. They push the world forward. As a result of being surrounded by them on our online community, I've begun to think bigger.

Often, we limit ourselves by our thoughts. Our sights are set on what we believe is possible for ourselves which is frequently a huge misconception from what we are truly capable of. One of the easiest ways to think bigger is by surrounding yourself with people who think bigger. It's that simple. They will rub off on you more than you can imagine. Join online communities, change your friend group, etc.

By thinking small, you make your life small. Everything that is actually possible is flushed down the drain, because your thoughts were limited. Isn't life just a culmination of thoughts and acting on them? Doing everything you can to have better thoughts and actually acting on them is the path to live the life you can only dream of.

Wake up. In reality, those visions you have are possible. They aren't as out of reach as you think. The only thing making them out of reach is you. Your thoughts, your thinking. The moment you get into the habit of thinking bigger, everything changes. You're no longer limiting yourself, but see the plethora of opportunities that you yourself are capable of.

Just understanding that you can do whatever you want is one of the biggest unlocks. It's a result of thinking bigger. Thinking bigger is just expanding your horizons. It's setting your sights towards mountains that you never thought you could climb. Once you think big, those mountains become feasible. All it takes is a change from you.