Tyler Bruno's Blog

Time billionaires

Sahil Bloom was the one who introduced me to the concept of a "Time Billionaire": someone who has over one billion seconds left to live compared to average lifespans. When I first heard it, it made me realize that our most precious commodity is time. We can't buy it back and we can't relive the same seconds twice. Time is of the essence. There's only a finite amount of it and as you read this, time is going by.

We decide how we spend our time currency through our lives. Some opt for a certain lifestyle over another or one career or another career. These decisions are some of the most important yet least thought about. They will be how you spend your one life. A life that had a probability of happening of 400 trillion to 1. Why waste it?

All of this was reinforced on a bus ride home from school. All I could think as we picked up people was "please don't sit next to me, I just want to do work." Of course, the bus got packed, and an older gentlemen sat next to me. Little did I know, it was going to be one of the best conversations I've ever had.

As older people do, he sprung about conversation. I come to find out he's an alumni of my school from the 70s. We had an amazing conversation, as we chatted about the past and the present. The similarities, the differences, and what life was like at Dartmouth back 50 years ago. It was so cool.

The conversation quickly turned to life advice. His advice was simple: "live life to the fullest, spend your time wisely." I'll never forget it. As we sat and chatted for two hours as we made our way to Boston, I could hear in his voice and see in his eyes, him reflecting on all of his life up until that point. It was truly special. It was pure wisdom from the heart.

There are many turning moments where words hit you different and this was one of those moments for me. Just hearing the raw thoughts made things click in my brain. I have to always guard and use my time in ways I will never regret. Find those things, and use my time currency on it. You should do the same. Time is something we never get back. Don't miss this opportunity, we have one shot.