Tyler Bruno's Blog

Time Is Finite

Life is short. We all know that our time here is limited. There's only so much time to do everything you want. There's only so many holidays with family or special occasions. The finiteness makes everything that much more meaningful. We know it's going to end some day, so cherishing it is the only right thing to do. But, we often don't treat our time right.

We should be treating our time with the respect it deserves. Why aren't we? Why are wasting so much of it? Maybe it's because we know this all ends, but it hasn't hit us hard enough yet. Like yes, it really ends. We shouldn't all be thinking about the inevitable end all the time, but it should be a reminder at times to live our life how we should be: making the most of every moment.

Recently, I've developed a new personal framework of thinking regarding time. I think in percentages, which makes moving fast the only logical option. For example, if somebody says, lets meet in two weeks. My instinct is "that's about 4% of the year, that's crazy". This framework consistently allows us to move faster, respect our time, and ultimately live more life per unit of time.

So, think about the last time you spent scrolling endlessly on TikTok or wasting your time on worthless things. Here's your reminder: you wasted a day of your life. A precious day that you'll never get back. Rather than going out and making memories, advancing your life, whatever, you threw it away. Wake up. You can't do this anymore.

Really focus on making the most of your days. Do things you love. Spend time with those you love. Cherish every moment. Our time here is limited. Make the most of every day. My favorite saying: Carpe Diem. Seize the day. Live in the moment.