Tyler Bruno's Blog

Turning Envy into Motivation

Envy is a trap. Jealousy is wired into our human brains. We always want more, especially what others have. It's not good, and something that is detrimental. When you always want what others have, you aren't being grateful for everything you have. When people have more than us, we get angry. This shouldn't be the case. Turn envy into motivation.

The more you think about what other people have, the more you stop focusing on yourself. You become resentful and bitter. How crazy is that? From giving into our innate human wiring, it can sink your own life. That's why it's so important to channel envy into something bigger. We should channel it to empower ourselves.

However, not in a toxic way. It's easy to become toxic when you're "chasing" others. You need to use it as internal motivation yet maintain humility. Especially in the form of "I can get where they are, because I'm no weaker, I'm just as capable." This bolsters your belief in yourself, your self-respect. Don't let toxic thinking get in the way of becoming a better person.

Stop being bitter towards people. They didn't do anything wrong to you. In reality, they're a source of inspiration and nothing else. Don't let others fill your every thought. Focus on you, because that's what matters. If your day-to-day life is obsessing about another person's possessions or opportunities, you need to flip that. Envy alone is dangerous. Avoid it.

Never build self-esteem through envy. Channel away envy towards something positive. Right now, you're focusing too much on others. The more you spiral, the harder it is to get out of it. So, pull yourself out now. Put your energy towards yourself, look inwards. Envy has no place in your mind. If it's there, turn it into motivation. Just get it out.