Tyler Bruno's Blog

We Are One Team

Whenever a new tech update is released, an even larger flame ignites my hope and love for humanity. It's a reminder that we all want the best for one another as we inhabit Earth together. Sometimes, you feel as if people or the world is against you, but in reality, an extremely large amount of people want you to be your very best, and will do whatever to help you get there.

I'm often surprised by how generous and kind people are when you interact with them. They truly will talk with you, give you advice, make an intro to somebody, if that means you get closer to your goal. That's refreshing to feel in a world that is portrayed as being crumbling and full of negativity. There is hope. You just have to see it.

My favorite quote about our shared humanity is by John Donne: "No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main." You aren't alone. You are a part of something bigger than yourself. Something profound, if you zoom out.

I believe people are inherently good people. That we are on one team: team humanity. We should remember that more often. I often reflect why it feels like we are pitted against each other all the time. At the end of the day, we are the same. No matter how many people try to create division, we need to resist.

The communal effort to better the human condition through technological advancements remind us of our shared mission. It's important to remember that every new breakthrough or product is a result of the hearts and minds of your fellow humans who dream of a better tomorrow and who work tirelessly to get it done. You are a part of that team too.

This shared journey isn't just about the innovations, it's about forging a smarter, kinder, more well-off humanity that can thrive far past the time we are here. You are on team humanity, always remember that. We are one team.