Tyler Bruno's Blog

Why Wait?

Why wait? It's a simple question yet hits us deeply. We're all guilty of it. We push off everything we want to do, waiting for the right moment. The perfect moment, the right circumstance, the stars to align. That time never actually comes. If you always wait, you will never actually do anything. And while you wait, life is passing by.

You have to deeply internalize that there's not infinite time. It may feel that way, but this can end at any moment. Every second you spend waiting is a second wasted. We've been fed this myth both internally and externally that you can push things off and will have time for it later. That's delusion. Your time is finite, and is ticking away all the time.

I talk to so many people who have dreams, ambitions, aspirations, that they want to do "someday". The harsh truth is "someday" often turns to "never". If you don't do it now, it continuously gets pushed off until time inevitably runs out. You likely are doing this too. Always waiting for permission, for validation, for a guarantee of success. Unfortunately, life doesn't work this way.

In reality, waiting makes life even harder. While you're waiting, opportunities are slipping away. While you're waiting, your dreams are dying a slow death. It's uncomfortable to hear, but it's the truth. Stop thinking that waiting is safe. It's not. It's the riskiest thing you can do. Every day you wait is a day wasted with no growth, no improvement, no living. Stagnation is just another form of dying.

Starting now, adopt a "why wait" mindset. See an opportunity? Grab it. Have an idea? Act on it. Want to make a change? Do it. Not tomorrow or next week, but now. Your life is happening now, not in the distant future. Be the person who makes the moment right. No more waiting, life is happening right now, now go seize it.