Tyler Bruno's Blog

You Can Do More Than You Think

In life, we all limit ourselves. We are all guilty of this. We think "I'm not smart enough, I'm not gifted, I'm not able to do what those other people are doing." In reality, you can do it. You can do more than you think. It just takes getting your mind under control to harness the possibilities. It's like there's an invisible ghost blocking your hidden potential.

The only true limits are the laws of physics. If what you want to do is within physics, you can go do it. It may not be easy. It may be uncomfortable or very painful, but it's doable. Another thing to internalize is that you aren't different than the rest of the people around you. We are all just humans.

At the end of the day, everything you see around you was built and created by other people just like you. The only difference is they believed in themselves. They believed that they can do more. They didn't limit themselves or tell themselves that they couldn't do it. They overcame that, and understood that they are smart enough. They have everything it takes.

The only next logical step is for you to internalize that too. Reflect on it. Understand that you are no different than your peers. It just takes that initial jump. When you allow yourself to be uncomfortable, face imposter syndrome, and do difficult things, you realize that you were capable all along. It's extremely freeing.

So go out there and build. Create. Learn. Do the things that you previously thought you were incapable of doing. Prove to yourself that yes, you are capable. You can do anything you want to do. That nothing is above me if I'm willing to go after it. You are capable of some much. Go out there and do it. You can do so much more than you think you can.