Tyler Bruno's Blog

You Don't Need To Explain Yourself

You don't need to explain yourself. You don't need to explain why you're pursuing what you're pursuing. Or, why you're going through life the way you are. This is your life, nobody else's. Too often we feel the need to explain ourselves all the time. Those around us want to know our every move. It's draining.

All you're doing is basing your self-worth, your value, on other people's opinions. You are looking for their validation, acting like your own thoughts don't matter. You're wasting energy on trying to persuade somebody that what you're doing is the right thing rather than channeling that energy inwards.

At the end of the day, it's just a time sink. You lose sight of what matters. You lose focus. Constantly worried about having to explain your reasonings for anything and everything. If you feel like you're taking an unordinary path, and being pressured to explain yourself, you're not alone. That's the price of living an extraordinary life.

So stop questioning yourself. Yes, you know what's right for you. Trust yourself. Be your own biggest cheerleader. Convince yourself that what you're doing is the thing that truly matters and nobody else. Understand that your gut, your dreams, your perspective on the world aren't always explainable to others and that's ok.

Be confident in who you are. You may feel weird, or that nobody "understands you". That's actually an amazing thing. It means you're doing something right. Walk with your chin held high. If everybody understood you, you're doing something wrong. No more explanations all the time. You don't owe anybody one. The only person you owe it to is yourself.