Tyler Bruno's Blog

Your Environment Is Everything

Your environment is everything. It can be the difference maker. Whether you're happy or sad. Whether you're focus or distracted. Whether you're living the life you want to or not. These all come down to environment. Mastering your understanding in where you thrive is key. We typically aren't picky enough about the places we put ourselves. This needs to change.

Environment is such a broad word. It can mean so many things: the people you're surrounding yourself with, the desk setup you use for work, the culture at your company. All of these contribute to either a great environment or a poor one. Every decision we make is a vote for the environment we are putting ourselves in.

If you have a messy work environment, you'll get distracted. If you're surrounding yourself with people who drain you, you lose energy. If you have people you talk to who diminish your goals and dreams, you think smaller. See? Everything matters. Your environment can be make or break. Reflect on where yours can improve.

So stop surrounding yourself with any and all people. Stop putting yourself in environments where everything crumbles. Start taking pride in where you put yourself. It's the only way to reach your potential. Your life will become more joyful when you don't pick any old environment. Take it seriously.

Your environment will singlehandedly determine your thoughts, feelings, and even actions for the rest of time. Your decisions are influenced by it, and your decisions determine your life. That's a big deal. Act like it. Craft an environment that lifts you up and makes you the best person you can possibly be. That's how you live a happy life.